So, you have gone to trial and prevailed, now what? A judgment awarding money to a party involved in a lawsuit is merely a piece of paper, enforcing that judgment means collecting the money awarded. A practical first step to take toward enforcing a judgment is to record the judgment in the mortgage and conveyance records in the Parish or Parishes in which you seek to have the judgment enforced. Recording a judgment creates a judgment lien on the property owned by the judgment debtor, (the party against whom the judgment is rendered) and can give the judgment creditor, (the person who won the judgment) the right to be paid up to the amount of the judgment from proceeds from the sale of the debtor's property.
Another option for enforcing a judgment is to have a judgment debtor examination. A judgment debtor examination is as the name implies an investigation of the assets and financial ability to pay of the person or entity against whom the judgment is rendered. Following a judgment debtor examination, the party seeking to enforce a judgment can request through the court that the assets of the person or entity against whom the judgment is rendered be seized and where necessary sold to satisfy the amount of the judgment being enforced. The attorneys at The Kyle Law Firm have years of experience in enforcement and collection of money judgments, give us a call at: 225-293-8400, to see if we can assist you.